Some Misconceptions of Conservatives Actions:
Damn that Margaret Thatcher! Margaret Thatcher Milk Snatcher! That’s what you’re thinking isn’t it? Probably not as you’re most probably not in your thirties. Quick summary? Margaret Thatcher, as Secretary of State for Education and Science, faced cuts imposed on her by Edward Heath the Prime Minister between 1970 and 1974. Committed to educating children, she stopped giving milk to those aged between seven and eleven years. I know that’s a little bit mean and if I’m honest I did miss having milk when I was in year 3. BUT this received a high level of opposition from Baroness Thatcher behind closed doors (it’s bad to speak out against your party leader, especially in the Tory Party).
Personally, I think it’s better to not have free milk in exchange for a better education.
Have a lil look at this if you want to know more.
David Cameron promised to have a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty. However, due to the ratification of the treaty a referendum would have been ineffectual and pointless. What’s that you say, David Cameron went back on his promise?! A politician went back on a promise? Never!
Well it seems David Cameron must be cut from different cloth then as he promised he would call a referendum IF the treaty had not been ratified by all 27 member states ergo, no lie. Don’t believe me? Proof from the BBC
P.S. Don't forget to guess where the title's from :)
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