Friday, 25 November 2011

Progress, For Progress's Sake Must Be Discouraged

I know it's gone, it's passed, it's happened, WE WON! but I thought I should still show Dolores Jane Umbridge's argument against the hated Alternative Vote!

I only changed a couple of words :-) and they're in [square brackets]

"Every [Prime Minister and politician] of [The United Kingdom] has brought something new to the weighty task of governing this historic [state], and that is as it should be, for without progress there will be stagnation and decay. There again, progress for progress's sake must be discouraged, for our tried and tested traditions often require no tinkering. A balance, then, between old and new, between permanence and change, between tradition and innovation because some changes will be for the better, while others will come, in the fullness of time, to be recognised as errors of judgement. Meanwhile, some old habits will be retained, and rightly so, whereas others, outmoded and outworn, must be abandoned. Let us move forward, then, into a new era of openness, effectiveness and accountability, intent on preserving what ought to be preserved, perfecting what needs to be perfected, and pruning wherever we find practices that ought to be prohibited."

If anyone does not get the titular quote then you obviously didn't read the big bit in the middle!

Monday, 7 November 2011

A Guide To Gossamer

I ran the world when men were not around,
All was calm, nought unfair
and peace was all abound.
Yet all too soon, did seem to change
When storming sky began to rage,
Those that could, and those that would
Paid homage to their Lords.

Fleeing from untimely winds
Most were lost, and at great cost,
They suffered for our sins.
Now who's to blame, for the slain,
no guiltier than we,
have lost their lives, sons and wives
And from our pain mankind we did beget.

From peccancy and hurt, new rulers did arise
And in this trope they grabbed the stolen prize,
All fell back in def'rence to new Lords.
Victory was claimed o'er those who could not fight,
Submission forced upon our grateful heads.
In lessening our minds, they lessened too our shame,
And thus man conquered us.